Whimsical Cartographies (Surreal Landscapes) .2021.

“Change is the only constant in life.” - H.

Since I can remember, I have a constant sensation of longing for what once was but is bound to be in constant change. Movement seems to be inevitable, events slipping away continuously — in a way that is painful. The landscapes of our lives are forever changing and there is nothing we can do to slow it down.

These images portray sceneries of Lima, my hometown, in an idealized state. Snapshots of human bodies are juxtaposed with landscapes of mountains around the city, in a futile attempt to capture moments — or matter — that are ever changing. Using diptychs, fragmentation and collage, I seek to blur the line between the two subjects — between landscape and people. As time passes, both interact, transforming each other constantly, with no stopping point. Although change is violent, it leaves behind traces that can help us reconstruct a history. They can help us understand pain as a necessary component in order to move forward with life.

Working with negatives was a purposeful choice. These allow the image to return to its most basic state. A negative is also a transparency and a sensitive skin, collecting traces of something that has by now changed. By bringing together all these traces — landscapes, bodies, matter — my intention is to explore nostalgia and vulnerability: how these histories shape us in both magnificent and painful ways.